CAPS Universe documentation  1.0.4
All you need to know to be successful
Manual Document Content Adaptions to the Available Medium

Sometimes the default rules how to print a document onto the available medium doesn't match your needs.

In this case additional printing parameter can force a specific behaviour.

Rotation on request

If the automatic rotation applies annoying things to your print you can overwrite it on a per print job base by the orientation-requested printing parameter.

This orientation-requested printing parameter forces a specific orientation of your document's content on the print medium.

The top of the print medium is defined by the caps_rect::width component in caps_rstr_page::medium_sz for all following use cases.
Print medium leading edges: short (left) and long (right)

orientation-requested is '3'

Wrong description. Needs to be reworked

This does not change the default view orientation and will print the document in exactly this orientation to your available medium.
If the document's default view orientation:

  • is 'portrait', its short top edge will be printed to the top of the print medium's leading edge
  • is 'landscape', its long top edge will be printed to the top of the print medium's leading edge

orientation-requested is '4'

Wrong description. Needs to be reworked

This will rotate the default view orientation 90 ° counterclock-wise and will print the document in exactly this orientation to your available medium.
If the document's default view orientation:

  • is 'portrait', its long right edge will be printed to the top of the print medium's leading edge
  • is 'landscape', its short right edge will be printed to the top of the print medium's leading edge

orientation-requested is '5'

Wrong description. Needs to be reworked

Like '4', but will rotate the default view orientation 90 ° clock-wise and will print the document in exactly this orientation to your available medium.
If the document's default view orientation:

  • is 'portrait', its long left edge will be printed to the top of the print medium's leading edge
  • is 'landscape', its short left edge will be printed to the top of the print medium's leading edge

orientation-requested is '6'

Wrong description. Needs to be reworked

Same as '3', but instead the document's short or long bottom edge will be printed to the top of the print medium's leading edge.

Whatever leading edge is defined, the document's content gets cropped or centered on the print medium.

Align a somehow smaller document

If the document defines a somehow smaller page than the print medium is, you can align it to one of the print medium's edges.
The printing parameters are: align-left, align-right, align-top, align-bottom

From left to right: align-left, align-right, align-top, align-bottom
In order to print everything, the alignment happens to the corresponding margin.
You can combine one of the horizontal and one of the vertical alignment keywords to align the document's page at two print medium edges at the same time, e.g. align-left align-bottom to align the document's to the left bottom on the print medium.

Align a somehow larger document

In this example a document in Letter format should be printed on A4 paper. Alignment here is regarding the content of the document page. E.g. align-left skips more content at the document's right edge in favour of its left edge.

Letter format on A4: default, align-left, align-right

It works in the same way for the vertical axis. They keywords here are align-top and align-bottom.

Scale a somehow smaller or larger document

If the default doesn't satisfy you, and size accuracy isn't what you need, scaling can be an alternative for the best printing result. Scaling is always done on the format of the available print medium or on the so called imageable area of the print medium. The imageable area is defined by the capabilities of your printer. Or to be more precise: of the margins your device requires for a specific medium format.

The following image shows the difference.

Scaling down to medium format (middle) or its imageable area (right)

Left is the original image, with content near to its edges. In the middle, this image gets scaled down to the format of the print medium. As you can see, some content near to the edges is lost due to the margins which cannot be marked. The right image is scaled down to the imageable area and all content remains.

Scaling keeps the aspect ratio of your document's page.

Use the printing parameter scale-to-fit to scale your document content to the print medium size or use auto-fit or fit-to-page to scale your document content to the imageable area.

Please don't ask, why the printing parameter keyword for the imageable area has the name fit-to-page. But other well known tools behaves exactly like this.