CAPS Universe documentation
All you need to know to be successful
Cband_info | Information about one band to be able to process it in parallel |
Cband_record | Each page is divided vertically into 'bands'. This data leads each band information |
Ccaps_area | Defines an area by its left bottom and right top coordinates in floating point values |
Ccaps_arg_parameter | |
Ccaps_arg_parser | |
Ccaps_arg_parser_list | |
Ccaps_cl_handle | |
Ccaps_cl_job_state | |
Ccaps_cl_notifier | Define notifier callbacks for Printing Coordinator clients |
Ccaps_cl_printer_info | |
Ccaps_cl_printer_list | |
Ccaps_cl_printer_state | |
Ccaps_coordinator | |
Ccaps_dot_cmyk | One byte per component, four components per dot: CMYKCMYK.. |
Ccaps_dot_grey | One byte per component, one component per dot |
Ccaps_dot_monochrome | 1 bit per component, 8 dots per byte, MSbit is on the left (bit 7) |
Ccaps_dot_rgb | One byte per component, three components per dot: RGBRGB.. |
Ccaps_drv | Libcapsdriver internal data collection |
Ccaps_drv_page_limits | The static rasterizer limits |
Ccaps_drv_raw_raster | Raw raster information for full medium raster reconstruction |
Ccaps_generic_driver | Printer Driver Callback declaration |
Ccaps_inif_cursor | Cursor to manage databases in form of INI files |
Ccaps_inif_lock | INI file lock management |
Ccaps_inif_table | Manage a table of INI entries |
Ccaps_job | |
Ccaps_job_progression | Information collection for printing progression report |
Ccaps_kv_table | |
Ccaps_pp_document_desc | |
Ccaps_pp_handle | |
Ccaps_pp_notifier | |
Ccaps_ppd_base | Basic description of common features a printing device/printing driver can provide |
Ccaps_ppd_custom_medium | Definition of a custom medium |
Ccaps_ppd_device_info | Some printer device product specific information to be used inside the PPD |
Ccaps_ppd_media_margins | Definition to calculate the printable area on all printing media |
Ccaps_ppd_media_size | Definition of the min/max printing medium the manual feed can handle |
Ccaps_ppd_option | Structure to keep the information read-in from an external PPD files |
Ccaps_ppd_options_table | Manage the content of a PPD file |
Ccaps_ppd_resolution | Definition of one supported resolution in Dots Per Inch (DPI) |
Ccaps_ppd_selection | Description of an OpenUI/CloseUI PPD selection |
Ccaps_ppd_selection_entry | Definition of one 'option' entry a PPD selection provides |
Ccaps_printer | |
Ccaps_printer_info | |
Ccaps_printing_device_info | Manage PPD information |
Ccaps_prn_printer_description | |
Ccaps_prn_usb_description | |
Ccaps_rasterizer | Declare the externally transparent structure for internal use |
Ccaps_rect | Defines a simple rectangle by its width and length in floating point values |
Ccaps_rstr_page | Physical print medium description |
Ccaps_rstr_page_desc | |
Ccaps_rstr_page_limits | Limits the rasterizer has when rasterizing the current document |
Ccaps_rstr_raster | |
Ccaps_si_handle | |
Ccaps_supported_mime_list | |
Ccaps_table_desc | |
Ccaps_var_table | Variable table |
Ccaps_worker_idx | Declaration of the callbacks |
Ccaps_worker_idx_context | Index worker internal tracking data |
Ccm1027_block | Collected line data to process a Brother 1027 method print data block |
Ccm1027_block_data_header | Brother 1027 encoding method data block's binary header |
Ccm1027_block_header | Brother 1027 encoding method block's binary header |
Ccm1027_line | Brother 1027 method encoded line data |
Ccm1030_band | |
Ccm1030_block_header | |
Ccm1030_line | |
Ccm1030_line_header | |
Ccm3_line | |
Ccolor_model_string | |
Ccolour_line_wire_data | Printer command (one part of it) to print one bi-coloured line |
Ccolour_line_wrapper | Wrapper to define the command for one colour line of printer data |
Ccomp_data_header | This header leads the comressed data for compression algorithmus with ID 0x11 |
Ccoord_comm | |
Cdata_set | INI data set |
Cdbus_method_list | |
Cdictionary_collection | The dictionary of same byte pattern to compress the band's data |
Cdk_roll_types | QL printers roll types |
Cdlist_anchor | |
Cdlist_entry | |
Cdoc_page_range | |
Cdoc_page_range_entry | |
Cdoc_range_list | |
Cdocument_desc | Parameter description for the to be processed print job |
Cdoprint_info | Collection of data to make capsdoprint work |
Cdrv_halftone_converter | Monochrome halftone processing |
Chalftone_converter | Halftone converter run-time data |
Chl1_drv | |
Chl2_drv | |
Chl_paper_formats | |
Chl_printer_name_to_id | Definition of name-to-ID correlation for Brother HL printers |
Cht_dot_vector | Union to convert eight grey scale dots into monochrome |
Cieee1284_id | |
Cinternal_adaption | |
Ckey_value | |
Clpr_exchange | |
Cml_printer_name_to_id | Definition of name-to-ID correlation for Samsung printers |
Cmonochrome_converter | Halftone processing buffer |
Cmonochrome_line_wire_data | Printer command to print one monochrome line |
Cmonochrome_line_wrapper | Wrapper to define the command for one monochrome line of printer data |
Cnls_domain | |
Cobject_progression_job | Print job progression information |
Cobject_state_job | Print job state information for internal use |
Cobject_state_prn | Printer state information for internal use |
Coption_function_relation | Printing parameter keywords and their corresponding handler function |
Cpage_footer_record | This footer record must be send once after each page to print |
Cpage_header_record | This header record must lead each page to print |
Cppd_file | |
Cql5_drv | Driver information for the QL5 family of printer drivers |
Cql5_printer_name_to_id | |
Cql5_status | Format of the status report of QL5xx printers |
Cql8_drv | Driver information for the QL8 family of printer drivers |
Cql8_job_options | Information about the current job related to QL8xx specific capabilities |
Cql8_printer_name_to_id | |
Cql8_status | Format of the status report of QL8xx printers |
Cql_drv | The main QL driver instance description |
Cql_job | Collected data for the current job to process |
Cql_simple_command | A simple QL printer command declaration |
Cql_trim | Trim the input raster to the available media |
Cqlhsv | Coloured dot for bi-colour printing in HSV |
Craster_adapt_preparation | Required adaptions from the document's content to the raster content |
Crasterizer_info | |
Creference_driver | |
Cresolution_keywords | |
Crstr_print_state | |
Crstr_provider | Callbacks of one rasterizer |
Cspl2_band_buffer | All required information to handle one band of print data |
Cspl2_drv | Samsung SPL2 laser printer driver specific information |
Cspl2_job_options | Options of the current job to print |
Ctest_client | |
Cthread_data | |
Cusb_printer | |
Cworker_info | Band processing is done in multiple threads |