CAPS Universe documentation  1.0.4
All you need to know to be successful
Data Fields
colour_line_wire_data Struct Reference

Printer command (one part of it) to print one bi-coloured line. More...

Data Fields

uint8_t command
uint8_t mode
uint8_t cnt
uint8_t data [0]

Detailed Description

It corresponds to the monochrome_line_wire_data one, but differs in the mode values (even if only printing in monochrome mode).

Field Documentation

◆ command

uint8_t command

The char 'w'

◆ mode

uint8_t mode

HIGH_ENERGY for high energy , LOW_ENERGY for low energy

◆ cnt

uint8_t cnt

Count of bytes following

◆ data

uint8_t data[0]

Line data as payload, to be expanded at run-time

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: