CAPS Universe documentation  1.0.4
All you need to know to be successful
Data Fields

Define notifier callbacks for Printing Coordinator clients. More...

Data Fields

int(* provider_change )(void *data, caps_identifier pr_id, struct caps_cl_printer_state *pstate)
int(* job_change )(void *data, caps_identifier pr_id, caps_identifier job_id, struct caps_cl_job_state *jstate, struct caps_job_progression *jprogression)

Detailed Description

The parameters when called:

For both call back functions:


Field Documentation

◆ provider_change

int(* provider_change) (void *data, caps_identifier pr_id, struct caps_cl_printer_state *pstate)

Called if the printer reports a new state about itself. The data parameter here is your own data provided when registering the notifier via caps_cl_instance_register().

The pstate points to the reported current state of this printer.

The data pstate points to is volatile. You need to copy it.

◆ job_change

int(* job_change) (void *data, caps_identifier pr_id, caps_identifier job_id, struct caps_cl_job_state *jstate, struct caps_job_progression *jprogression)

Called if new state and/or progression info about a job is available. The data parameter here is your own data provided when registering the notifier via caps_cl_instance_register().

If jstate isn't NULL, it points to the new state of this job.

The data jstate points to is volatile. You need to copy it.

If jprogression isn't NULL, it points to the new progression information of this job.

The data jprogression points to is volatile. You need to copy it.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: