CAPS Universe documentation  1.0.4
All you need to know to be successful
Install libcapsraster

The corresponding:

An Installing Example

A simple but useful configuration can be:

./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --prefix=/usr --with-pdf

Other configuration parameters are the same for libcapsipp than for libcapsbase:

Configuring libcapsraster in detail

Enable PDF support

In order to support rasterizing of PDF documents, the muPDF package must be present and the support enabled with:

PDF support should be the default and thus, always be enabled.

Enable CUPS Raster support

In order to support processing of CUPS raster data, the libcups package must be present and the support enabled with:


Build a reference provider

This is for testing purposes only. If you run this reference provider, you can print to it and it will raster the document into PNG images.

You need libpng for this reference provider.