CAPS Universe documentation  1.0.4
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Macros | Functions
caps-printer-db.c File Reference

CAPS Printer Device Database handler routines. More...


#define PRINTER_DATABASE_NAME   "printer-devices.ini"


int caps_prn_get_printer_device_database (struct caps_inif_table *db)
static int caps_prn_create_run_time_database (char *devices_database_path)
struct caps_inif_lockcaps_prn_get_printer_device_database_locked (struct caps_inif_table *db)
int caps_prn_get_printer_driver_database (struct caps_inif_table *db)
int caps_prn_get_printing_providers_description (struct caps_inif_table *db, const char *filename)
static const char * caps_prn_get_parameter (const struct caps_inif_table *db, const char *section, const char *key)
int caps_prn_get_printer_device_description (const struct caps_inif_table *db, const char *section, struct caps_prn_printer_description *desc)
static int caps_prn_set_parameter (struct caps_inif_table *db, const char *section, const char *key, const char *value)
static int caps_prn_set_number (struct caps_inif_table *db, const char *section, const char *key, int value)
int caps_prn_set_printer_description (struct caps_inif_table *db, const char *section, struct caps_prn_printer_description *desc)
int caps_prn_check_printer_entry (const struct caps_inif_table *db, const char *drv, const struct usb_printer *pr)

Detailed Description

Jürgen Borleis
Use as experimental

Macro Definition Documentation


#define PRINTER_DATABASE_NAME   "printer-devices.ini"

Name of the CAPS database of already known printers, located in the CAPS Printer Device Database Directory. "Already known" means, the printer device was at least attached once to the host and a driver was available at this time, e.g. the discover process was fully successful.

Function Documentation

◆ caps_prn_get_printer_device_database()

int caps_prn_get_printer_device_database ( struct caps_inif_table db)

Read in the run-time printer device database

[in,out]dbWhere to store the content
Return values
0On success
-EINVALError in INI file
negativeErrno else (from open() for example)
The db doesn't include the content of the "Printer Device Parameter Directories" (CAPS Printer Device Parameter Directory)
db must be already initialised and thus, empty

◆ caps_prn_create_run_time_database()

static int caps_prn_create_run_time_database ( char *  devices_database_path)

Create an empty run-time printer database INI file with correct permissions

[in]devices_database_pathName of the INI file to be created
Return values
0On success
-EINVALProcess does not run as 'root'
openEverything from open()
The CAPS Printer Device Database Directory must already exist
Needs root permissions
The open() and chown() operation must be atomic (or should?)!

◆ caps_prn_get_printer_device_database_locked()

struct caps_inif_lock * caps_prn_get_printer_device_database_locked ( struct caps_inif_table db)

Read in the run-time printer device database and lock the corresponding INI file

[in,out]dbWhere to store the content (expected to be already initialised)
Pointer to transparent info or NULL in case of a disaster
The INI file is locked! Must be freed with caps_inif_locked_file_close()
Keep in mind, the file is locked and prevents other caps-printer instances doing their job.
The CAPS Printer Device Database Directory must already exist
Needs root permissions
Check if CAPS Printer Device Database Directory exists and output a useful error message if not

◆ caps_prn_get_printer_driver_database()

int caps_prn_get_printer_driver_database ( struct caps_inif_table db)

Read in the persistent printer driver database

[out]dbWhere to store the content (expected to be already initialised)
Return values
0on success
-ENODEVno drivers installed

This reads in all existing INI files in the CAPS Printer Driver Database Directory

◆ caps_prn_get_printing_providers_description()

int caps_prn_get_printing_providers_description ( struct caps_inif_table db,
const char *  filename 

Read in one printing provider's description INI from the CAPS driver database directory

[out]dbWhere to store the content (expected to be already initialised)
[in]filenamePrinting provider's description INI file name (name only, no path)
0 on success, negative errno else

This reads in an INI file with filename from the CAPS Printer Driver Database Directory

◆ caps_prn_get_parameter()

static const char * caps_prn_get_parameter ( const struct caps_inif_table db,
const char *  section,
const char *  key 

◆ caps_prn_get_printer_device_description()

int caps_prn_get_printer_device_description ( const struct caps_inif_table db,
const char *  section,
struct caps_prn_printer_description desc 

Convert a device data base entry into our local description structure

[in]dbThe run-time device database of currently known printer devices
[in]sectionThe section to examine
0 on success, negative errno else

This functionname should show we work with the persistent printer database -> run-time database

Error handling. Print correct missing entry if any!

We do support nothing else than USB printers, yet

◆ caps_prn_set_parameter()

static int caps_prn_set_parameter ( struct caps_inif_table db,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
const char *  value 

Set an entry in the device database with a string value

[in,out]dbThe device database
[in]sectionIn which section
[in]keyThe name of the key
[in]valueThe value of the key as a string
Anything from caps_inif_option_add()

◆ caps_prn_set_number()

static int caps_prn_set_number ( struct caps_inif_table db,
const char *  section,
const char *  key,
int  value 

Set an entry in the device database with an integer value

[in,out]dbThe device database
[in]sectionIn which section
[in]keyThe name of the key
[in]valueThe value of the key as an integer
Anything from caps_inif_option_add()

Just a convenience function, since 'values' are always strings in the device database.

◆ caps_prn_set_printer_description()

int caps_prn_set_printer_description ( struct caps_inif_table db,
const char *  section,
struct caps_prn_printer_description desc 

Add a new printer device to the list/database of known devices

[in,out]dbThe device database
[in]sectionThe specific printer section of this new data
[in]descThe printer device description
Return values
0On success
-EINVALYou add a non-USB device (not yet supported)

◆ caps_prn_check_printer_entry()

int caps_prn_check_printer_entry ( const struct caps_inif_table db,
const char *  drv,
const struct usb_printer pr 

Check if one given driver from the printer driver database corresponds to the given USB printing device

[in]dbThe driver database
[in]drvThe 'level' where to search in the database
[in]prThe USB printer device description/information
Return values
0The given driver corresponds to the USB printer device
-ENODEVThe USB printer device doesn't match

Compares USB specific information with a driver database entry.