CAPS Universe documentation  1.0.4
All you need to know to be successful
doc-page-iterator.c File Reference

Some helper functions to iterate over all to be printed pages of a document. More...


static void print_page_range_error (const struct doc_page_range_entry *pr, unsigned max_page)
static unsigned page_predict_next (struct doc_range_list *list, unsigned page, unsigned last_page, int check)
unsigned job_page_get_next (struct document_desc *job, unsigned cpage)
unsigned job_page_count_calculate (struct document_desc *job, unsigned pgs)

Detailed Description

Jürgen Borleis
Use as experimental

Some helper functions to iterate over all to be printed pages of a document. And they are part of this separate source file to simplify their testing.

Function Documentation

◆ print_page_range_error()

static void print_page_range_error ( const struct doc_page_range_entry pr,
unsigned  max_page 

◆ page_predict_next()

static unsigned page_predict_next ( struct doc_range_list list,
unsigned  page,
unsigned  last_page,
int  check 

Return the next to be printed page number beginning at page

[in]listPage range list to search in
[in]pageThe start to find its next page number (can be '0' which means search the first page to print)
[in]last_pageThe number of the last page in the document (1…)
[in]check0 for next page calc, non 0 for check (to suppress to many error messages)
Return values
NumberThe next page number to print
0If page is the last one in the list of page ranges or the next page exceeds last_page

The number returned is in the list of page ranges. Expect a forth and back jumping returned page number if the page ranges are not sorted (e.g. "19-,3-8,15,12-13").

Must be called first with page = '0' in order to initialize the doc_range_list::iterator
page must be valid, e.g. member in one of the page ranges (except '0'). If not, it crashes. -— What?
page must be smaller than or equal to last_page
last_page must be '1…INT_MAX' (e.g. not '0')

◆ job_page_get_next()

unsigned job_page_get_next ( struct document_desc job,
unsigned  cpage 

Move to the next to be printed page in the document according to the existing page ranges

[in,out]jobThe information collection about the job
[in]cpageCurrent page (or: last already printed page, e.g. page from the last call), 0 … UINT_MAX
Return values
NumberThe number of the next to be printed page
0If there are no more pages in the document to print

The page value of 0 has a special meaning: this returns the first to be printed page in the document.

In order to step through the document, start with page = 0, and continue to call this function with the returned value of the last call.

At least one page range must exist: "1-UINT_MAX" if user has none defined. ensure_one_page_range() does the job.
job_page_count_calculate() must be already called

◆ job_page_count_calculate()

unsigned job_page_count_calculate ( struct document_desc job,
unsigned  pgs 

Calculate the amount of to be printed pages from the document in one turn

[in,out]jobThe information collection about the job
[in]pgsThe document's last page number
Return values
PositiveAmount of to be printed pages
'0'Nothing to print

If a full page range is given and the document has 10 pages, the calculation is simple. But if pages ranges are given and they restrict the pages to be printed, a real calculation is required.

If the retun value is '0', it means the user has selected an invalid page range. E.g. the selected page range(s) are not part of the document
This calculation doesn't honor copies. Takes the result like copies=1
The print range entries must be valid (e.g. already checked).
Honor duplex print which is differently ("pages" versus "media")