CAPS Universe documentation  1.0.4
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Data Structures | Enumerations | Functions
edits.c File Reference

A try to improve the line encoding. More...

Data Structures

struct  dlist_entry
struct  dlist_anchor


enum  dlist_entry_type {
enum  dentry_merge_status {


static struct dlist_anchordlist_anchor_create (void)
static void dlist_list_clean (struct dlist_entry *d)
static void dlist_anchor_destroy (struct dlist_anchor *anchor)
static unsigned dlist_entries_count (const struct dlist_entry *d)
static struct dlist_entrydlist_edit_append (struct dlist_anchor *anchor, enum dlist_entry_type type, size_t offset, size_t cnt)
static struct dlist_entrydlist_center_find (struct dlist_entry *start, size_t cnt)
static size_t dentry_encoded_overflow (unsigned sat, size_t value)
static size_t dentry_rel_offset_calc (const struct dlist_entry *e)
static size_t dentry_encoded_size_get (const struct dlist_entry *e)
static enum dentry_merge_status dentry_merge_check (const struct dlist_entry *left, const struct dlist_entry *right)
static enum dentry_merge_status dentry_right_walk_merge_check (const struct dlist_entry *e)
static enum dentry_merge_status dentry_left_walk_merge_check (const struct dlist_entry *e)
static struct dlist_entrydentry_merge_to_left (struct dlist_entry *left, struct dlist_entry *right)
static size_t dlist_identity (struct dlist_anchor *anchor, size_t length, const uint8_t line[length], const uint8_t ref[length], size_t begin)
static size_t dlist_repeat (struct dlist_anchor *anchor, size_t length, const uint8_t line[length], size_t begin)
static struct dlist_anchordlist_create (size_t length, const uint8_t line[length], const uint8_t ref[length])
static void output_dlist (const struct dlist_entry *d)
static size_t dlist_line_size_calc (const struct dlist_entry *start)
static struct dlist_anchordlist_overview (size_t length, const uint8_t line[length], const uint8_t ref[length])
static struct dlist_anchordlist_preview (size_t length, const uint8_t line[length], const uint8_t ref[length])
static size_t repeating_pattern_check_ahead (size_t cnt, const uint8_t line[cnt])
static void dlist_entry_replace (struct dlist_anchor *anchor, struct dlist_entry *repl)
static void dlist_substitute_feaze (struct dlist_entry *diff, const uint8_t *line)
static void dlist_list_substitute_feaze (struct dlist_entry *edit, const uint8_t *pattern)
static void dlist_merge_useless_entries (struct dlist_entry *edit, int under_pressure)

Detailed Description

The encoding method is very limited in the way some kind of data reduction can be made. So, it seems, its hard to improve the algorithm. Refer test_edit*.c files for further test details.

Use this file and its content for reference. It isn't used yet.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ dlist_entry_type

One of the possible data reduction entry, called "edit"


This 'edit' describes a difference sequence, e.g. plain data


This 'edit' describes a repeating sequence of bytes


This 'edit' describes an equal sequence to the previous line

◆ dentry_merge_status


Merge recommended


Merge inappropriate, but possible


Merge impossible

Function Documentation

◆ dlist_anchor_create()

static struct dlist_anchor * dlist_anchor_create ( void  )

◆ dlist_list_clean()

static void dlist_list_clean ( struct dlist_entry d)

Free memory recursive

[in]dThe 'edit' to statt to free (can be NULL to use the anchor instead)

◆ dlist_anchor_destroy()

static void dlist_anchor_destroy ( struct dlist_anchor anchor)

◆ dlist_entries_count()

static unsigned dlist_entries_count ( const struct dlist_entry d)
[in]dStart of the chain (can be NULL)
Count of 'edit' entries in the chain

◆ dlist_edit_append()

static struct dlist_entry * dlist_edit_append ( struct dlist_anchor anchor,
enum dlist_entry_type  type,
size_t  offset,
size_t  cnt 

Append a new 'edit' to the right end of the chain

[in,out]anchorThe anchor of this chain
[in]typeThe type of this 'edit'
[in]offsetIndex its pattern begins in the line
[in]cntCount of pattern bytes
The created (and appended) 'edit'

◆ dlist_center_find()

static struct dlist_entry * dlist_center_find ( struct dlist_entry start,
size_t  cnt 

Find the 'edit' where the center of the line is part of

[in]startAt which entry to start (can be NULL to use #first_entry instead)
[in]cntThe full line lenght of the line to calculate the middle the center
The 'edit' which covers the center of the line

◆ dentry_encoded_overflow()

static size_t dentry_encoded_overflow ( unsigned  sat,
size_t  value 

Calculate the overflow bytes for an 'edit'

[in]satSaturation value
[in]valueThe value to encode
Byte count to encode this overflow

Depending of the value to encode, the count of required bytes differ. This function calculates the required bytes.

◆ dentry_rel_offset_calc()

static size_t dentry_rel_offset_calc ( const struct dlist_entry e)

Calculate the offset at which the previous 'edit' stops

[in]e'Edit' for which the write offset of its previous 'edit' is required
Relative offset from the previous 'edit'

In order to calculate the to be encoded offset of the current 'edit', the "write end" offset of the previous 'edit' is required. Every 'edit' is encoded relativ to its preceding 'edit'.

◆ dentry_encoded_size_get()

static size_t dentry_encoded_size_get ( const struct dlist_entry e)

Calculate the encoded byte count for this entry

[in]eThe 'edit' in question
Size in bytes this 'edit' seizes encoded
This calculation is for the 1030 encoder

◆ dentry_merge_check()

static enum dentry_merge_status dentry_merge_check ( const struct dlist_entry left,
const struct dlist_entry right 

Check if a merge of the given entries is helpful

[in]leftThe left 'edit'
[in]rightThe right 'edit'
Return values
DENTRY_MERGE_RECMerge possible, new size is smaller or at least unchanged
DENTRY_MERGE_INAMerge inappropriate (makes no sense, enlarges the encoding, only under 'edit' pressure)
DENTRY_MERGE_IMPMerge impossible (these two types cannot be merged)

Valid combinations:

repeat plain *******####### must be kept if the merge wouldn't be smaller

######## can be merged under 'edit' pressure

plain repeat

#******* must be kept if the merge wouldn't be smaller
######## can be merged under 'edit' pressure

equal plain *******####### must be kept if the merge wouldn't be smaller

######## can be merged under 'edit' pressure

plain equal

#******* must be kept if the merge wouldn't be smaller
######## can be merged under 'edit' pressure

repeat equal *******####### can never be merged -> if the equal part continues the repeat pattern! equal repeat

#******* can never be merged -> if the equal part continues the repeat pattern!

This routine really calculates the encoded size for a merged 'edit'. You cannot simply add the byte counts they would cover if merged, since 'offset' and 'count' overflows can add more or less bytes as well. Sometimes the encoding of the following 'edit' changes as well and could be taken into account if merging of the current 'edits' makes sense or not. But I think it's not worth the effort.

◆ dentry_right_walk_merge_check()

static enum dentry_merge_status dentry_right_walk_merge_check ( const struct dlist_entry e)

Check if the given and its right neighbour can be merged

[in]eThe 'edit' to check
Return values
0Merge possible
1Merge inappropriate (makes no sense, enlarge encoding, only under 'edit' pressure)
2Merge impossible

◆ dentry_left_walk_merge_check()

static enum dentry_merge_status dentry_left_walk_merge_check ( const struct dlist_entry e)

Check if the given and its left neighbour can be merged

[in]eThe entry to merge
Return values
0Merge possible
1Merge inappropriate (makes no sense, enlarge encoding, only under 'edit' pressure)
2Merge impossible

◆ dentry_merge_to_left()

static struct dlist_entry * dentry_merge_to_left ( struct dlist_entry left,
struct dlist_entry right 

Merge two 'edits' into one (right merged into left)

[in,out]leftThe left 'edit' to be merged
[in,out]rightThe right 'edit' to merge into the left 'edit'
The left of both 'edits' with new content

The right 'edit' will be removed from the list.

Create the dentry_merge_to_right() counterpart

◆ dlist_identity()

static size_t dlist_identity ( struct dlist_anchor anchor,
size_t  length,
const uint8_t  line[length],
const uint8_t  ref[length],
size_t  begin 

Append an DLIST_EQ 'edit' to the chain

[in,out]anchorThe anchor of this chain
[in]lengthThe length of the current line
[in]lineBase of the current line
[in]refBase of the previous line
[in]beginWhere the pattern has begun (already two consecutive bytes are checked)
Offset, where the next pattern begins

This routine tests, if more than the already tested identical bytes follows and collects them into one DLIST_EQ entry.

◆ dlist_repeat()

static size_t dlist_repeat ( struct dlist_anchor anchor,
size_t  length,
const uint8_t  line[length],
size_t  begin 

Append an DLIST_REP 'edit' to the chain

[in,out]anchorThe anchor of this chain
[in]lengthThe length of the current line
[in]lineBase of the current line
[in]beginWhere the pattern has begun (already two consecutive bytes are checked)
Offset, where the next pattern begins

This routine tests, if more than the already tested same bytes follows and collects them into one DLIST_REP entry.

Refer repeating_pattern_check_ahead()

◆ dlist_create()

static struct dlist_anchor * dlist_create ( size_t  length,
const uint8_t  line[length],
const uint8_t  ref[length] 

Create a list of 'edits' based on the current and previous line

[in]lengthThe length of the lines
[in]lineBase of the current line
[in]refBase of the previous line
The anchor of the created chain
If the equality of both lines are a repeating pattern, it's maybe better to change its type into a DLIST_REP type

Das geht schief wenn: prev: …0xff 0xff 0xff 0xe0 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 curr: …0xff 0xff 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ^^^^ Jetzt wird ab hier ein repeat erkannt (bis zum Zeilenende!). ^^^^ ab hier sind aber beide Zeilen leer und gleich!

◆ output_dlist()

static void output_dlist ( const struct dlist_entry d)

Output the chain in a human readable list

[in]dFirst 'edit' to report (can be NULL, then no report at all follows)
For debugging purpose only

◆ dlist_line_size_calc()

static size_t dlist_line_size_calc ( const struct dlist_entry start)

Calculate the size of the whole line if encoded

[in]startFirst 'edit' to report (can be NULL, then the anchor is used instead)
Size in bytes

◆ dlist_overview()

static struct dlist_anchor * dlist_overview ( size_t  length,
const uint8_t  line[length],
const uint8_t  ref[length] 
[in]lengthLength in bytes of the active content
DLIST_EQ and DLIST_REP edits can overlap

Eine andere Möglichkeit wäre, zunächst nur auf Gleichheit der Zeilen zu testen und dafür 'edit'-Einträge zu erzeugen. Dann im nachgeschalteten Test, die Räume zwischen diesen Einträgen verarbeiten und ggf. auf Ersetzen oder Wiederholen umändern. Das würde die Komplexität pro Test-Schritt rausnehmen.

00 00 00 00 00 11 22 33 44 55 55 55 88 99 00 00 00 00 00 | equal | | different | | equal | step one | diff | | eq | |dif| step two und diese drei ersetzen dann den ganzen "different"

Mit den verketteten Listen sollte das auch gehen, einen Eintrag durch mehrere zu ersetzen bzw. anpassen. Beispielsweise einen "diff"-Eintrag nehmen mit seinem Start und Ende und den wiederum wie eine Zeile in diff und rep aufteilen und dann anschl. die neu entstandenen edit-Einträge statt dem originalen einzuhängen. Das ginge dann mehr oder weniger rekursiv.

◆ dlist_preview()

static struct dlist_anchor * dlist_preview ( size_t  length,
const uint8_t  line[length],
const uint8_t  ref[length] 

Parse the input and separate it into 'match with the previous line' and 'mismatch with the previous line'

[in]lengthLength of line in bytes
[in]lineThe current line to examine
[in]refThe previos line to compare (can be NULL)
A DLIST anchor

This is the first step of three to parse the line to print into matching, non-matching and repeating pattern. Since the algorithm got more and more complex to handle all corner cases, this function is now the result to reduce the complexity again: It separates only matching and non-matching sequences (comparing to a previous line). The non-matching sequences will be processed in the next step in dlist_substitute_feaze(). If no previous line is given, matching sequences will be found by comparison with 0x00.

The regular workflow is:

◆ repeating_pattern_check_ahead()

static size_t repeating_pattern_check_ahead ( size_t  cnt,
const uint8_t  line[cnt] 

Check ahead how long a repeat sequence is

[in]cntCount of bytes line points to
[in]lineThe start of the repeat pattern
Lenght in bytes of the repeat sequence
cnt must be at least '1'

◆ dlist_entry_replace()

static void dlist_entry_replace ( struct dlist_anchor anchor,
struct dlist_entry repl 

Replace 'edit' repl from one chain with a different chain

[in,out]anchorThe chain which should replace repl
[in]replThe entry to replace

At the end repl is part of anchor and can be removed.

The anchor must contain at least one element.

◆ dlist_substitute_feaze()

static void dlist_substitute_feaze ( struct dlist_entry diff,
const uint8_t *  line 

Feaze a substitute edit into real substitute and repeating

[in,out]diffThe DIFF edit entry to feaze
[in]lineBase of the current line starting at diff's 'edit'

Intended to work on substitute edits dlist_preview() has sorted out.

The line's data should only contain unique data or repeating byte, e.g. dlist_preview() should have already run.

The diff edit will be replaced by the result (if any) and its memory freed.

This step is only required for encoding methods which supports 'substitute edits' and 'repeat edits'.

◆ dlist_list_substitute_feaze()

static void dlist_list_substitute_feaze ( struct dlist_entry edit,
const uint8_t *  pattern 

Encode all non-matching 'edits' in a line

[in,out]lineThe line to encode the printer's wire data to
[in]editThe start 'edit' in the line (can be NULL, but should not)
[in]patternStart of the pattern to write
This step is only required for encoding methods which supports 'substitute edits' and 'repeat edits'.

◆ dlist_merge_useless_entries()

static void dlist_merge_useless_entries ( struct dlist_entry edit,
int  under_pressure 

Merge useless 'edits' into its neighbours

[in,out]editThe start of the chain (can be NULL)
[in]under_pressureNot '0' if we are under 'edit' count pressure

Sometimes useless 'edits' are created, like a DLIST_EQ with less than three byte lengths. These are not worth to keep, since the encoding of the neighbour 'edits' needs more bytes than it saves by keeping the DLIST_EQ 'edit'.

This routine walks along the whole chain and tests at each 'edit' if it can be merged with its right neighbour. If yes, the right neighbour is merged into it and removed from the chain.

Covered case:

  • [EQU][DIFF] -> [DIFF]
  • [DIFF][EQU] -> [DIFF]
  • [DIFF][DIFF] -> [DIFF]

If it has done a merge, it continues to check the new right neighbour of the merged 'edit'.

A merge - if possible but inappropriate - will however be done if under_pressure signals (e.g. not '0') we need to reduce the 'edit' count.